2007年5月20日 星期日

Flying Free

There is a place I call my own where I can stand by the sea,

and look beyond the things I've known,

and dream that I might be free.

Like the bird above the trees gliding gently on the breeze.

I wish that all my life I'd be without a care, and flying free!

But life is not a distant sky without a cloud, without rain,

and I can never hope that I can travel on without pain.

Time goes swiftly on its way.

All too soon we've lost today.

I cannot wait for skies of blue or dream so long that life is through.

So life is a song that I must sing, a gift of love I must share,

and when I see the joy it brings ,

my spirits soar through the air.

Like that bird up in the sky,

life has taught me how to fly.

For now I know that I can be and now my heart is flying free!

Flying Free是一首女聲二部合唱曲,作者Don Besig ,樂器伴奏是鋼琴和長笛。這曲的旋律實在太優美!音樂一開始,鋼琴簡單的C Major broken chords前奏猶如描述小鳥在空中的滑翔,那種無拘無束的自由奔放;全曲高潮部份的豐厚和弦似乎演譯了生命中愛的力量和愛帶來的喜樂:So life's a song that I must sing, a gift of love I must share. and when I see the joy it brings , my spirits soar through the air…這首音樂是上帝給我遇上的驚喜!

( 1/6晚在學校周年音樂會中將為學生伴奏)

3 則留言:

potatoetam 提到...


Unknown 提到...


Janet Tam 提到...

Mei,glad to see youe comment here, wait for me, I will send the music to you soon.

God bless you !